Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bye Bye Little Rascals

Well, its been two weeks since I drove Belinda down to the mushroom farm in Oregon. I've been back up here at little rascals farm in Washington and it has been as crazy busy fun filled as the first two weeks we were both here. I'm definitely really excited to learn more about mushrooms, but also bummed that I'll be leaving this farm because it has been so awesome. Vicky John and Lindsay are so kind and wonderful, they feel like family already. In the past two weeks we have made Kim chi, pickled ginger carrots, apricot jam, chevre, cheddar, paneer, baklava, zucchini bread, I've learned to knit and made myself a pair o socks, washed and carded wool, seen bunnies butchered, and seen chickens with explosive diaherra. We gazed at stars and jumped in 40 degrees blue pool spring water. We had campfire sing alongs and made banana boats which are kind of like smores on steroids. I've spent hours petting those square pupil, blank stare, ice cream sandwhich little baby goats that will let you pet them and chew on your sweater all day if you stay there. I've fruitlessly thrashed through blackberries, saw the coolest beach fort ever at sunset on the puget sound, explored pikes market, and got bollywood, napoleon dynamite, and merengue dance lessons all in one night at a rooftop party in seattle.

I leave to rejoin Belinda at the mushroom farm near Corvallis on friday and will get to learn all about medicinal mushrooms and foraging for wild mushrooms. We will both be there till the end of August, and then hope to move onto another farm closer to Portland and hopefully eventually get a job again sometime.

Woo hoo!


  1. you guys and animals make day when i read of the adventure....sounds like fun fun fun
    we miss you willow!
    love, mama ufa

  2. I second the other mama's comments. Beautiful words; wonderful times. Great picture of Willow...
